Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Week 3 - 36 Textures + Revised Sketchup Model

Content + Page 1
Page 2 + 3
Page 4 + 5
Page 6

Revised Model with Custom Texture

Above Space : Parade

Bottom Space : Performance

Interior Shots : (Tube / Gallery / Stairs)

Marcel Duchamp's Sad Young Man in a train

Patricia Puccinini's Unbreaking Eggs

Note : Click on images to see what happens.


Sharon Campbell said...

Hi Jin Soon,
If you think about Piccinini's work, the forms/material finish and space below ground should potentially be morphed together a bit more.
The ground plane could use a bit of development even if only in the material finish and thickness. It may however be 'affected' by the parade elements or the performance element?

Sharon Campbell said...

I just reread your blog and realised that the below ground is actually duchamp, so ignore my previous comment about Piccinini. The gallery space seemed to have a language that related to her work.

Perhaps then the geometry below ground could be developed to suit Duchamp's artwork a little more.

Jin Soon Ng said...


Actually the space above is Duchamp (Parade) and the space below is Puccinini (Performance), you were right the first time. The idea was that the gallery was not a seperate entity from the 2 spaces, but became part of them or part of one space. This is no indication that one space is favoured over or more important than the other, but an attempt to allow a certain uniformity amongst the 3 spaces. So instead of having 2 spaces trying to find a common ground within the 3rd space, all 3 spaces are now already an integrated singular form.